Tim Smith Interviews Megan S. Acosta Esq.
We're excited to present an exclusive interview with Megan S. Acosta Esq. who specializes in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law
Her clients absolutely hate to hear:
"It's too late! You should have done X, Y, Z before December 31st! "
Megan's proactive approach will help you engage in tax planning, become aware of proposals on the table, and make educated decisions.
Two deadlines are approaching you should know about: December 31, 2020 & February 16, 2021.
Do yourself a favor, watch this interview, and get informed. Plus you'll have fun hearing personal details from both Tim & Megan.
Tim & Megan will answer the following questions:
Should I be making gifts to my kids by the end of 2020?
How does Prop 19 impact estate and gift taxes?
Is it time to get out of California?
What are people most concerned about right now?
Does it make sense to gift the family beach house to a trust for your kids by February 16, 2021?
They'll also discuss:
- Family vacation homes
- Fractional ownership
- Property tax reassessment
- Shifting assets into trusts for kids
- Legacy properties
- Keeping families together
- Adding value to families
- Shift towards the future
- Plan better
- Be proactive
- Think about your children